Thursday, August 20, 2009

Client Prenatal #3

Well I met with my client again tonight, we also met on Tuesday but just did not have time to blog about it. I am really get more and more excited every time I see her. I am such a nerd about childbirth, I get so excited and love to see it, even the parts most people turn away from, like my husband :) I think this is why I want to have so many children because I just want to give birth over and over again.

Well our visit on Tuesday she told me that she had had her checkup with the doctor about the baby's weight and heart rate, and the news wasn't the best. She was told that he was below the 10th percentile for his weight, which is what they did not want from him, even though he is 5lbs 13oz now, which seems good to me. So anyways there plan is to see her every other day and check the baby's heart rate and if he seems to be doing well then they will wait til 39 weeks. And then at 39 weeks if her cervix is ready then they will start induction. 39 weeks is next Thursday!! AAHHH!! I need to get on the move. I still have to get my doula bag together!! Anyways, I was okay with the doctor making that choice because he stated that for her cervix to be ready would mean she would need to be at least 3 cms dilated. This means she would almost be in active labor so therefore means the baby is about ready to come anyways, so it should not cause to many problems I hope. He has also stated to her that he does not like to do inductions because they often lead to cesarean section!!! To get an ob to admit that is GREAT, that is a wonderful OB.

Today we met again and she expressed to me that she is 1cm dilated and 50% effaced, which is good, but still does not mean she is going anytime soon. You can stay 1cm, especially with a first baby, for over a month! I let her know this but who knows, it could be any day! AAAHHH!!!! Did I tell you that I am not prepared yet.... So we worked on going over the labor positions tonight in order to provide comfort to her and we also went over different types of induction and found out that they will start her with just the gel on her cervix and they will do that for 2 days and see how it progresses her. This made me really happy to hear because they are not going to try and make it go fast by admitting her and making it happen ASAP! So that is that and things went great tonight again. We decided to just play it by ear for our next appt and see when she might need to meet. So until then, or until the baby is born see ya later :)

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